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司法常务官办公室 and Registrar Services

North Foundation Hall, Room 160
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3450

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.

We are committed to ensuring you're able to 访问 我们的网站. For assistance with technical resources, contact OU's Student Technology Center.

司法常务官办公室 and Registrar Services

North Foundation Hall, Room 160
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3450

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.

We are committed to ensuring you're able to 访问 我们的网站. For assistance with technical resources, contact OU's Student Technology Center.

A finger pressing the "enter" key on a laptop.


帆的等候名单功能允许您将自己添加到虚拟等候名单中, in case a spot opens up in an otherwise full class.

你可以在秋季或冬季学期的第一周将自己添加到等待名单中. 从晚注册的第二周开始,等候名单不再可用,需要教师许可.  夏季的添加日期因课程而异(参见夏季课程信息)  日历). 您可以在帆的“学生详细时间表”功能中查看您在等待名单中的位置.

It is important to note that not all classes have the waitlist feature. 将自己加入候补名单并不能保证以后能够注册.

An automated notification will be sent to your OU email from (电子邮件保护) if a spot becomes available in a class. If multiple spots become available then multiple notifications will be sent. 从通知日期和时间起,您有48小时的时间使用帆注册课程. After that, the next student will be automatically notified.

Student Guide to 候补名单
I see seat(s) available for a class but I cannot register?
Once a waitlist begins for a class, 你可能会看到有座位,但这些座位是为等待名单上的学生保留的.  If interested, you may add yourself to the waitlist.

May I get on more than one waitlist for the same class?
是的. 你不能多次注册同一门课,但你可以在候补名单上. If both become available at the same time, you will have to choose which one you prefer to register for. 如果你已经注册了同一门课,但收到了你喜欢的不同时间的通知, 在添加新课程时,您必须放弃已注册的课程.

如果你改变主意,想要进入候补名单,请把自己从候补名单中删除,以免耽误其他学生的申请. That will be very nice of you to do, thank you.

是的. 您不能注册有时间冲突的课程,但您可以将自己添加到等待列表中. You may have a preference for one class that is full, 但要同时注册另一门课,以防你没有从候补名单中获得座位. If you are unsure, please ask your academic adviser for assistance. If you are offered a seat from the waitlist with a time conflict, 在添加新课程时,您必须放弃已注册的课程.

Is there a way for me to see how close I am to the top of a waiting list?
是的. 您可以在我的邮件的注册部分查看您的学生详细时间表.奥克兰.edu. The order is 0 (zero) to the maximum of the waitlist. 位置为0(零)表示您已经被通知有一个可用的座位,并且可以注册该课程.

If you do not register within the 48 deadline, the next student on the waitlist will move to the top of the list. 出于这个原因,强烈建议你经常检查你的OU网络邮件.

如果我是高年级学生怎么办? Shouldn’t I receive priority over a freshman?
是的. You receive priority by class standing during Priority 登记. 优先注册在注册期开始时发生一次. After the initial week of registration, all other registration is on a first-come, 标间. You can read more about important dates and  网络注册.

At what point does a waiting list go away?
All waiting lists will be discontinued once instructor permission begins.  For full semester classes, that is the second week of registration.  If you waitlist immediately prior to this period, your automated notification will list a 48 hour window, but you only have until instructor permission begins.  For classes that meet less than the full semester, please see the 重要日期日历 for more information when the waiting list goes away.

Do all classes use a waitlist?
Most classes have a waitlist. 所有有电子等候名单的班级将很容易在帆中识别.

All class requirements must be fulfilled in order to waitlist for a class. 如果你不符合这些要求,你将被排除在这门课的候补名单之外. 请参考相应的学术目录,并在等待之前与您的学术顾问合作,以确保满足任何要求或您收到任何所需的覆盖. 从候补名单中获得一个座位并不能保证你可以注册课程,因为你仍然必须满足所有的要求和限制.

我收到了一个等候名单的电子邮件,但是当我想注册的时候,我无法注册,因为注册被搁置了. 什么是错的?
所有注册保持必须在注册发生之前解决或提供覆盖. 在加入候补名单之前,你有责任检查自己的持有情况. 了解更多关于 持有.

I accidentally dropped my waitlisted class. 我怎么回去?
只要你仍然在48小时的截止日期内,你可以通过在帆中添加/删除课程来添加课程. 然后,您需要在“添加类”工作表中键入CRN,并单击“提交更改”. This will register you for the class. 在48小时的截止日期之后,你可能会把自己加回候补名单的末尾, and the available seat has been offered to another student.

My waitlist position isn't moving, is it stuck?
很可能不会. Another student most drop the class for seats to become available. 候补名单 does not guarantee a seat will become available. A few times in the semester, waitlisting is paused for a few business days to support various processes. Your exact position is preserved and will resume. Any openings during that time will trigger notifications.

I have other questions, who do I contact?
学术问题应提交给提供课程的学术部门, 或者你的学术顾问. 等候名单或注册问题可由注册主任办公室回答,网址为 (电子邮件保护) or (248) 370-3450.

Students can waitlist for any classes that have the waitlist feature using through the first week of the fall/winter semesters. 夏季的添加日期因学期而异(请参阅学术日历上的夏季课程信息).

除时间冲突和重复课程外,所有课程限制将强制执行. 这些限制只适用于候补名单,并将在注册时强制执行. 如果有注册名额,可以提前给候补名单上的学生优先权.

Student Notification and Deadline

An automated notification will be sent to the student’s OU email from (电子邮件保护) if a spot becomes available in a class. If multiple spots become available then multiple notifications will be sent. Students have 48 hours to register for the class using 帆.


学生可以在他们的学生详细时间表中看到他们在候补名单中的位置. 教师也可以使用帆在详细候补名单或摘要候补名单中看到学生在候补名单上的位置. 位置为0(0)表示该学生已在班上获得一个名额,并且将列出注册的截止日期.
虽然学生可以等待一个完整的部分,但如果一个班级已经满了,学生就不能注册. There is no override that will allow this.  If more students should be able to register, 部分的最大入学人数应该增加,这将允许在候补名单上的学生注册.
A few times in the semester, 等待名单暂停几个工作日,以支持各种流程.g. 先决条件强制执行下降,学术解雇,账单取消等. 所有学生的位置将被保留,通知将在重新启动后以相同的顺序恢复.