



Dr. Browne provides leadership and oversight of OUWB's student support programs and services, 签名学生活动, 以及支持学校努力将最佳实践纳入学生健康的学生组织, 驻地比赛准备, 职业认同发展.

除了监督职业发展, 学术成就, 以及学生健康和福利项目, Dr. Browne serves as an adviser for medical students, M1 through M4 years. Dr. 布朗还是基础医学研究系的助理教授,并担任棱镜课程的联合课程主任.

她的专业背景包括超过15年的中学学生事务和学生支持服务经验, 本科, 研究生阶段. Dr. Browne joined OUWB in 2014 as the director of Academic Success. Her most recent positions were assistant dean and interim associate dean for Student Affairs.

Dr. Browne is an alumna of Albion College, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science. 她在阿什兰神学院获得临床咨询硕士学位,并在十大菠菜台子获得高等教育领导博士学位. 她的博士研究, which explored student wellness and wellbeing issues in medical education, was named the Most Outstanding Dissertation (non-STEM category) by Oakland University in 2020.

珍妮花根学生事务助理院长 & 职业发展 


爱德华·詹妮弗·鲁特.D. 负责学生事务的副院长是谁. 作为副院长. 鲁特通过为包括职业建议在内的所有学生事务提供领导和战略支持,支持副院长执行学生事务办公室的总体使命和愿景, 学术支持, 学生健康计划, 大型活动.

Dr. 鲁特的专业背景包括超过10年的学生支持,包括职业咨询, 学术顾问, and wellness support at the undergrad 研究生阶段. 在她的职业生涯中. Root has maintained a strong passion for student advocacy, 学生的成功, 持续的项目改进.

Dr. Root于2018年首次加入OUWB,担任高级医学院顾问,并于2019年晋升为学术成功总监. Dr. 鲁特是底特律仁慈大学的校友,她在那里主修心理学和成瘾研究的双学位. 她在十大菠菜台子获得了社区咨询硕士学位,专注于职业咨询. 2021年5月, she completed her Doctorate of 教育 in Organizational Leadership with a focus on Lean Leadership. 为了她的博士项目. 鲁特进行了一项关于新生导向在新医学生中建立支持性社区中的作用的研究.

穆罕默德Jafri, m.s.D.
穆罕默德JafriAssistant Dean for Career Advisor Programming and Student Advising


Dr. 穆罕默德Jafri is the assistant dean for Career Advisor Programming and Student Advising. 在他的角色中, 他与M3和M4学生密切合作,为他们准备住院医师申请流程,并与OUWB专业顾问合作,确保他们拥有必要的工具和资源,以支持学生的住院医师匹配目标. Dr. Jafri还担任OUWB教员,在M2学年期间担任肾脏/泌尿生殖器官系统课程的临床课程主任. 自2012年以来,他一直在威廉博蒙特医院皇家橡树校区担任泌尿科医生,是泌尿科住院医师项目的主要临床医生之一. His clinical interests focus mainly on urologic oncology as well as men’s health.

Dr. Jafri is an alumnus from the University of Michigan where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics. 他在埃默里大学完成了他的医学院教育,并在埃默里大学泌尿科进行了住院医师培训.



Dr. 丹尼尔Turner-Lawrence is the assistant dean for Career Advising. She joined the OUWB School of Medicine inaugural faculty body in 2009. Since that time, she has been involved in many aspects of 本科 medical education. 她曾在OUWB招生委员会任职5年,包括2013-2016年担任主席,并曾担任急诊医学见习主任. Her current role in Student Affairs allows her to spend time, 一百一十一, 与M3和M4学生合作,确保他们在职业探索和居住寻找过程中得到支持.

除了博士. 特纳-劳伦斯在医学院的角色, 她是急诊医学临床副教授,也是博蒙特大学急诊医学系的教员, 皇家橡树. 她担任急诊医学住院医师项目主任以及医学教育奖学金主任. Dr. 特纳-劳伦斯于2001年获得密歇根大学理学学士学位,2005年获得医学博士学位,之后前往夏洛特的卡罗莱纳医疗中心, 北卡罗莱纳, 为了她的住院医师培训. She has a passion for medical education and enjoys working with trainees at all levels.



Dr. Allushuski leads the Academic Success Team, focused on supporting students’ academic endeavors. 在她的角色中, 她监督学生的进步,并通过研讨会和个人会议提供支持,重点是有效的学习策略和USMLE准备. 此外,Dr。. Allushuski oversees the tutor program and is the liaison for students needing accommodations.

他来自巴西. 阿卢胡斯基只得了B.S. 利普斯科姆大学心理学博士.Ed. 心理咨询和博士学位.D. in Higher 教育, both from the University of Mississippi. 加入OUWB之前, she worked with 本科 students for over 10 years in 学术顾问, 第一年的经验, 早期干预, 教学, 学生保留, 学习策略辅导, 以及学术支持项目.



拉丁杰克逊 is a senior medical school advisor for Student Affairs, 于2020年5月加入OUWB. 在她的角色中. Jackson is responsible for supporting medical students seeking guidance on academic improvement, USMLE准备, 职业建议, and serves as one of the coaches for the wellness coaching program. Ms. 杰克逊拿的是B.S. degree in sociology from Eastern Michigan University and a M.Ed. in educational counseling with an emphasis in student affairs from Northern Arizona University. 在加入OUWB之前,她. 杰克逊作为一名高级教师为本科生服务. Learning Specialist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Her experience in higher education spans more than a decade, 她一直致力于支持学生的学业, 社会, 个人健康和幸福. 

梅勒妮张伯伦, M.A.


梅勒妮张伯伦 serves as a 高级医学院顾问. 她于2023年5月加入对外开放大学学生事务团队. 在她的角色中. 张伯伦为学生提供指导,帮助他们了解医学院课程中日益增加的学习责任.

She supports students through academic challenges, USMLE准备,
职业/专业探索. Ms. 张伯伦拿的是B.A. in 社区 Relations and Political Science from Michigan State University, and an M.A. in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University. Prior to her role as 高级医学院顾问, Ms. 张伯伦为十大菠菜台子的本科生服务了7年,在教育与人文服务学院和第一年咨询中心担任学术顾问. 在她的职业生涯中. Chamberlain has placed focus on supporting students through transitions, 学院准备, 以及专业和职业探索.



凯蒂不同 joined the OUWB Student Affairs team in December 2021 as the Administrative Coordinator. 此前,她是OUWB招生团队的一员. A native of Michigan and the area, Katy completed her B.S. in Athletic Training from Saginaw Valley State University and a M.Ed. 十大菠菜台子高等教育领导学硕士. 加入OUWB之前, she worked in hospitality and rehabilitation services with our single clinical partner, Corewell健康, 多年来. Some of Katy’s responsibilities include management of student health insurance, 免疫接种, 医生观察/见习项目, 健康和职业发展规划, 以及策划和执行大型活动,如白大褂典礼和荣誉大会.

负责学生活动的学生事务协调员 & 事件


杰米的臣子于2021年7月加入OUWB,担任学生事务协调员,负责活动和活动. 杰米还担任医学生政府的学生事务顾问,并为学生组织提供监督. 杰米拿的是B.A. in History and Political Science from Saginaw Valley State University and a M.A in Higher 教育, Student Affairs from Eastern Michigan University. 在OUWB之前, Jamie served as Director of Student Life and Greek Life Adviser at Lawrence Technological University.



帕蒂Zoia joined the OUWB Student Affairs team in December 2021 as the 办公室助理.  Her responsibilities include managing the front desk in the CMSS suite, 协助分发资料给学生, 协助团队处理活动, 还有更多. 作为第一个接触点, she is excited to interact with students and help them in any way possible. 在OUWB之前, Patty was employed at Brightwing, a recruiting and staffing firm, for several years.

Janae Kinn, LMSW

Janae Kinn

OUWB 医学生心理健康顾问 Janae Kinn, LMSW, 是致力于提供安全, 保密, 支持, 并为所有M1-M4学生提供空间, 尤其是那些在学校里挣扎的孩子, 生活, 或者心理健康相关的压力源. Janae可以在公开大学校园的奥多德大厅和皇家橡树的博蒙特医院与学生见面, MI提供治疗, 加强学生健康, 解决医学生的倦怠问题.

Janae拥有密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的社会工作硕士学位,主修健康,以及成人和儿科综合初级保健和心理健康证书. She has clinical experience working with students and families as a therapist, 危机剥脱, 医务社会工作者, 案例管理器, 并在底特律倡导.

Janae融合了正念技术, 综合保健观点, 交集, 自我保健策略, 创伤护理技能, 循证实践(如CBT和DBT), and a strengths-based approach into her work with students.

阿什利·沃特斯,马萨诸塞州,LPC, NCC


医学院学生心理健康顾问阿什利继续萎缩于2022年7月加入OUWB学生事务团队. 阿什利是一名有执照的专业咨询师,也是一名国家认证的咨询师,她最近从中密歇根大学咨询中心来到我们这里,在那里她获得了提供个人治疗的丰富经验, 团体治疗, 以及学生的心理健康项目, 专门从事学前保健工作, 医学预科, 医科学生.

在她成为有执照的专业咨询师之前, Ashley spent several years working as a student affairs professional at Saginaw Valley State University. Ms. 沃特斯持有CMU社会工作学士学位和心理健康咨询硕士学位.

Ashley has worked with clients on topics such as; anxiety, 抑郁症, 冒名顶替者综合症, 创伤, 自我保健习惯, 身份问题, and relationships and approaches counseling from a client-centered strength-based perspective. Ashley strives to create an environment that is safe, interactive, collaborative, and purposeful. 她高度重视治疗关系,她尽一切努力去了解一个人作为一个个体是谁,并了解他们独特的生活经历.