
Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4486
(248) 370-2190

A bundle of gold and black balloons of different shapes and sizes.


十大菠菜台子每年都会在春季(4月或5月)和秋季(12月)举行毕业典礼,以表彰其毕业生. 4月和8月的毕业生(在1月申请截止日期之前)在4月获得荣誉. 8月和12月的毕业生(分别满足5月和9月的申请截止日期)在12月获得荣誉.  每次毕业典礼都是一个机会,让大学向毕业生在获得学位的过程中所付出的杰出努力表示特别的敬意,让毕业生与教师分享他们学术成就的兴奋和重要性, 的毕业生, 家人和朋友. 仪式 are held in the 体育运动 Center O’rena. Tickets are required for all guests aged three and over.

毕业典礼 facilities are handicap accessible. 客人到达后,工作人员将引导客人到座位区.

To be eligible to graduate, 你必须在公布的截止日期之前完成在线学位申请. 要查看您的学位申请,请登录您的sail帐户. 有关学术状况的问题,请联系您的学术顾问.


Caps, 礼服, announcements and rings
参加毕业典礼必须穿著毕业典礼服装. 研究生s may purchase their caps, 礼服, personalized announcements and rings through the OU 书店, (248) 370-2404, in the lower level of the 奥克兰中心. Appropriate dress attire is required for graduates. Casual clothing such as jeans, T-shirts, and tennis shoes, etc. are not allowed, high heels are not recommended.

冬季(4月)和夏季(8月)毕业生在1月公布的申请截止日期参加每年4月或5月举行的春季毕业典礼. 夏季(8月)和秋季(12月)的毕业生分别在5月和9月申请截止日期前参加12月的毕业典礼. All ceremonies are held in the 体育运动 Center O’rena.

For commencement ceremony dates and times, please see the 毕业典礼 主页.

在到达时, 毕业生在登记表前签到,拿起自己的名片, which has their degree title and honors, 如果有任何. During the commencement ceremony, 卡片被扫描后交给阅读者,阅读者在毕业生走过讲台时读出他们的名字.

Each ceremony lasts approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours. 研究生s are asked to stay for the entire ceremony and will be directed by the marshal to process out of the O'rena.


Diploma covers are handed out during the ceremony. 毕业证书大约在毕业后10-12周邮寄给毕业生. 文凭将不会颁发给任何有未偿还财务义务的学位候选人. 有关文凭的问题,请联系学术记录办公室 (电子邮件保护).

鲜花将在毕业典礼上出售. 此外, 毕业典礼 为毕业生和嘉宾提供在线预订产品的机会. The web address for 十大菠菜台子 is www.thecommencementgroup.com/oakland.


请参加 毕业典礼 Fair (required) located in the 奥克兰中心 Ballrooms and the Barnes & 高贵的书店.


The three levels of university honors, 以优等成绩毕业者, magna 以优等成绩毕业者 and summa 以优等成绩毕业者, 可以与学生获得的学士学位一起授予,累积平均绩点如下:3.60-3.74, 以优等成绩毕业者; 3.75-3.89, magna 以优等成绩毕业者; and 3.90-4.2000年,最优等生.

Departmental, school and conciliar honors (i.e. presidential scholars, psychology, etc.)授予符合本科目录中相应部分所述标准的选定学生.

Student Organizations should refer to the Regalia Adornments at OU 毕业典礼 仪式 决定在典礼上佩戴何种饰物的政策.

Students who are uncertain, or have questions regarding honors, should consult with their academic adviser.

大学, 部门, 学校和委员会的荣誉证书将于毕业典礼当天在注册表上颁发给符合条件的毕业生,学生无需付费.

荣誉协会负责分发他们的荣誉勋章. 请与您的组织联系,了解分销和可能相关的任何费用.

加入金钥匙国际荣誉协会的学生可在金钥匙荣誉带处购买 Office of Student Involvement. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Jean Ann Miller,电话:(248)370-4332.

In case of inclement weather, please call the university at (248) 370-2000, tune in to WJR or WWJ radio, 或者看FOX2, WDIV-TV, or WXYZ-TV for information on cancellation of ceremonies.

不能参加毕业典礼的家人和朋友可以在这个网站上看到典礼的举行. 直播 link to be posted at a later date.

十大菠菜台子的主要毕业典礼是为完成学位的学生举行的. If you have earned a non-degree seeking certificate (ie. master's certificate or continuing education certificate), you will not be participating in commencement.

为了使毕业典礼成为一个更愉快的经历,毕业生和他们的嘉宾应该回顾一下 校园地图.

Participating before finishing degree requirements
在典礼后的学期完成课程的学生必须联系学校或学院的咨询办公室要求参加. 点击下面的链接获得参加毕业典礼的请求.

专业摄影师将在毕业生接受毕业证书时为他们拍照. 该公司将独立联系毕业生,提供购买照片的信息. For questions regarding graduation photographs contact GradImages at (800) 261-2576.

For the safety and security of all attendees, 请注意,毕业典礼上的学生和嘉宾禁止携带任何包袋和钱包. Please leave your purse/bag at home or in your vehicle. Diaper bag contents can be brought in a clear ziplock bag. 请参阅 禁止携带物品 Policy for a complete list of prohibited items.

Students who have requested confidential status
为了遵守FERPA的规定,您的名字将不会被列在毕业计划中. If you wish to have your name added to the program, 你必须通知位于160 North Foundation Hall的学术记录办公室. 根据FERPA要求隐私的学生应该记住,当雇主打电话核实学位时,十大菠菜台子将无法确认您在公开大学的出勤情况. To remove privacy restrictions from your record, 你必须带着带照片的身份证明去注册办公室(北基金会大厅160号).
