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A woman with sensors attached to her body lifts a box, as another woman watches her and demonstrates the motion.

生物力学 Ergonomics and Abilities 研究 (BEAR) Lab

生物力学、人体工程学和能力研究(BEAR)实验室专注于开发知识和方法,以支持以患者为中心的物理医学. Comprised of a multidisciplinary group of researchers across the 卫生科学学院, 专家教师与本科生和研究生密切合作,在健康监测和护理服务方面取得进展.

The state-of-the-art space is designed and equipped to measure, 监控, and modify various aspects of mobility and state of mind, utilizing IR and markerless 3D motion tracking, 力板, 肌电图, eye tracking and computer-vision based affect assessment. Current research projects include experimental studies examining osteoarthritis, 癌症生存, 自闭症, work-related health of older workers and special populations, 姿势和受伤风险, 运动表现.

The mission of the BEAR Lab is to discover, 发展和维持人体运动领域的多学科学术和研究议程. Driven by endless curiosity, we aim to ultimately improve quality of life. 我们通过对人体工程学(调整环境以适应个人能力)和能力(在给定环境中的个人能力)的严格调查来应用生物力学原理。.


  • 在解决与人类运动有关的问题上分享想法,并制定创新的解决方案.
  • To help others attain optimal human movement.
  • To identify features of movement that help us understand pain and mobility limitations.
  • 更深入地了解环境和人为因素对跌倒和受伤风险的影响.
  • 开发识别步态障碍和性能监测的筛查工具.
  • 通过揭示疼痛状态和共情特征的“真相”来改善医患关系.

Please let us know if you're interested in joining the BEAR Lab research team.

通过电子邮件十大菠菜台子 (电子邮件保护).

Some specific areas of research performed in the BEAR Lab include: 

  1. Biometrics of Camouflaged Pain 和Mobility Limitations in Osteoarthritis
    Using balance assessments (via force plate) and visual attention (via eye tracking), along with patient reports of pain and mobility, 我们试图创建一个数据驱动的方法,以确定谁低估了他们的损伤水平-被称为伪装的疼痛和行动限制的人. 这项工作包括学生领导的努力,探索提供者共情概况和常见的病人手术决策标准.
  1. Balance 和Mobility Impairments in Cancer Survivors
    Chemotherapy often induces peripheral neuropathy, which can result in a range of insult including discomfort to sensorimotor impairment. 我们正在探索平衡评估的使用(通过便携式测力板),可用于临床和家庭环境,以监测平衡障碍的发生和恢复. 这项工作的应用包括以患者为中心的定制治疗和康复.
  1. Virtual Learning Technology for Continued Medical Education
    We have developed a virtual replica of the physical BEAR Lab in the Unity game engine, for the purpose of laboratory simulation. 该项目的目标是进一步发展这种环境,以便在继续医学教育中使用, providing knowledge of biomechanical tools and terminology for physical medicine providers.
  1. (Re)habilitation Technology for Motor and Social Development
    This work includes the development of performance 监控ing and behavioral training tools, separately for posture and social cognitive skills.

    We are attempting an extension of the BTrackS force plate to operate wirelessly, and at finer resolution for smaller weights, 因此,非常年幼的孩子的姿势发展可以更方便,更容易地监测,而不是目前可能的.

    我们使用眼动追踪技术来探测对身体痛苦经历的图像/视频的微妙/隐性注意偏见, 目的是为了更好地了解肌肉骨骼损伤患者的生活经历,以及这些患者在与身体健全的临床医生互动时所感受到的移情差距.
  1. 性能优化
    使用生物力学技术, 我们评估了性能监测的新指标,并评估了训练和热身策略的有效性,以提高性能. This includes novel metrics of the timing of cyclic behavior (e.g. 步态模式)使用非线性分析和使用人工智能来识别来自网络摄像头监控的成功动作, which combine to support remote and autonomous training.
  1. 竞技游戏中的人体工程学
    评估大学和俱乐部电子竞技玩家的不适和认知需求水平,因为他们的游戏机设置和不同游戏系统的心理焦点. 目前, we’re using survey research to gain a better understanding of this environment, but when in-person research is permitted, 我们将使用态势评估, 阀座压力图, 眼球追踪, 和代谢能量消耗,以获得客观的数据,了解对这些球员的需求,这样我们就可以为训练计划提出建议, 生活方式因素, 家具布置.
  1. Training Effectiveness for Preparing Workers to Work from Home
    在办公室进行的人体工程学培训如何转化为在家工作时的健康工作习惯? 人体工程学评估服务通常提供有关工作站的反馈,并对其进行调整以适应员工并减少不适. 但, if the employee doesn’t know what to watch for specifically, are they able to set up their home office workstation appropriately, 或者应该定期给所有员工一个基本的人体工程学概述,以确保他们了解保护自己安全的最佳做法? 目前, 我们正在使用调查和图像数字化来评估家庭办公工作站的人体工程学,这是员工接受人体工程学培训的结果,以确定哪种培训方法在防止伤害方面最有效.
  1. The Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Workplace Stretching Program in Manufacturing
    According to stretching best practices, we developed an “ideal” workplace stretching program with dynamic stretches in the morning, 静电在下午延伸, and a yoga-based cooldown at the end of the shift...The problem is getting the workforce and management to buy-in to the program. Factor in the ability of a global pandemic to bring all work to a halt, and bullying behaviors towards those completing their stretches, 你会发现将它融入到制造工厂的日常工作中是一场艰苦的战斗.

BEAR实验室由dr. 迪斯堡和霍沃斯. 随着 expert faculty across the 卫生科学学院, the team supervises research of undergraduate and graduate students, 并寻求从公共和私人实体获得和开展外部资助的研究项目.


塔拉·迪斯伯格博士.D., CPE
Dr. Diesbourg is a certified professional ergonomist, 十大菠菜台子健康科学学院环境健康与安全助理教授. 她的研究兴趣包括观察特殊人群的身体如何在工作场所发挥作用, 包括老, 怀孕了, 肥胖, 或者患有慢性疾病的人. Dr. Diesbourg teaches courses in the areas of ergonomics, regulations, and professional practice.

Dr. Goble is an associate professor of exercise science, and serves as director/coordinator of both the B.S. 和M.S. in 运动科学 programs in the 卫生科学学院 at 十大菠菜台子. 他的研究主要集中在健康和残疾领域,通过使用便携式测力板客观测量平衡. Dr. Goble teaches courses in biomechanics and motor control.

Dr. 霍沃斯是十大菠菜台子健康科学学院运动科学的助理教授. 他的研究重点是在习惯性和意志性人类运动行为产生过程中感觉运动信息的整合. Dr. Haworth teaches courses in biomechanics, integrated laboratory in exercise science, 定向研究.

Christian Maron serves as laboratory manager.


(248) 370-2369

(248) 370-3562