Advancing Oakland


Oakland University and Oakland University Credit Union forge a transformative partnership


图片来源:Robert Hall

icon of a calendarJanuary 11, 2024

icon of a pencilBy Catherine Ticer

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这证明了共同价值观和相互支持的力量, Oakland University and the Oakland University Credit Union (OUCU) have come together in a partnership that epitomizes the spirit of community and philanthropy. The culmination of this collaboration is the newly renamed Oakland University Credit Union O’rena, an athletic arena that embodies the institution's commitment to fostering growth and opportunity for both students and the community.


The roots of this enduring partnership trace back to 1958 when the Credit Union first established its presence on campus as the Michigan State University Federal Credit Union. In 2013, this partnership evolved further with the establishment of the Oakland University Credit Union trade name, coinciding with the addition of the Credit Union branch in the university's Oakland Center. 在此期间,另一个分支, 位于五点大道大学附近, 也经历了重新命名为OUCU.

在65年的时间里, 这种伙伴关系呈指数级增长, 信用社投资了超过8美元.600万美元用于大学项目、奖学金和倡议. This substantial support has enabled a myriad of programs that enrich the university experience and empower students to achieve their aspirations.

“OUCU has invested in impactful programs that have helped advance the university and our students,迈克尔·韦斯特福尔说, 大学发展副主席. “他们为我们解决并填补了很多空白. 开放大学的每一位学生都从他们的慈善承诺和愿景中受益.”


Oakland University Credit Union’s commitment to philanthropy has been transformative across campus and impactful in the lives of our many students through:

  1. 学生支持:从2013年开始, a generous annual commitment from OUCU has played a pivotal role in funding an endowed student scholarship, 院长之选资助计划和其他推动学生成就的举措.
  2. 金融素养教育:合作延伸
    开放大学工商管理学院的ACHIEVE项目. 讲习班已成为课程的一个组成部分, providing students with essential financial skills through experiential learning opportunities.
  3. 社区参与: The Credit Union’s sponsorship of events like the Oakland University Keeper of the Dream Scholarship Awards celebration and the Michigan Climate Summit reflects OUCU’s dedication to promoting diversity, 环境意识和社区对话.
  4. 创造全球机遇:突破性的100万美元投资, the Credit Union has paved the way for students to engage in international educational experiences. 通过减少财政障碍, OUCU改变了无数学生的生活, 让所有人都有机会出国留学.


One of the most remarkable milestones of this partnership is the $5 million investment in the university’s sports programs through its 10-year naming rights agreement. The newly named OU Credit Union O’rena builds on the Credit Union’s long-standing partnership with athletics and symbolizes the unity of the university and its financial partner.

Furthermore, OUCU’s recent $1 million contribution has laid the foundation for the OU Center for Environmental Sustainability and Ethics. This initiative underscores the credit union's dedication to responsible sustainability practices and aligns with the prestigious Living Building Challenge certification program.


1937年由密歇根州立大学的教职员工创建, 信用合作社已经发展到超过338个,000 members, with $7.7 billion in assets, and more than 1,100名员工,使他们成为全国第42大信用合作社, 也是密歇根州的第二大城市.

April M. Clobes, 十大菠菜台子信用合作社主席兼首席执行官, 不仅是开放大学/开放大学伙伴关系的推动力量,而且还是一个个人捐助者. 她的奉献精神在大学的倡议和项目上留下了不可磨灭的印记.

Clobes担任“Aspire”的顾问. Advance. Achieve.” campaign. The Credit Union also sponsored the public launch celebration for the campaign that is poised to raise $150 million by 2024.

The partnership has positively impacted the Credit Union with increased visibility to OU students, faculty and staff who trust OUCU for their financial services and to those that support student education, 创业和娱乐活动.
"Education offers the knowledge and skills to provide for a successful and bright future," said Clobes. “我们为我们与十大菠菜台子的历史感到自豪,并为加入十大菠菜台子感到自豪

十大菠菜台子校园的中心, the partnership between Oakland University and the Oakland University Credit Union stands as a testament to the impact that can be achieved when education and philanthropy converge. 由于这两个实体继续合作, 他们塑造了教育的未来, 机会和社区支持在和谐统一中茁壮成长.

十大菠菜台子信用合作社o 'Rena

On Monday, April 17, 十大菠菜台子体育学院, 这是一个开创性的举动, joined hands with Oakland University Credit Union to forge a remarkable 10-year partnership worth $5 million. This momentous collaboration culminated in the christening of the newly named OU Credit Union O’Rena.

“This naming rights agreement will benefit current and future Golden Grizzly student-athletes and help transform OU athletics for years to come,史蒂夫·沃特菲尔德说, 体育主任. “The agreement expands the collaborations between the athletics department and the credit union and I look forward to seeing the many positive outcomes these collaborations will create for OUCU members, 十大菠菜台子和社区.”

The sports arena, a venue that first opened its doors in 1998 during Oakland University's athletics transition to a NCAA Division I program, 已经成为了金灰熊男篮的活力中心, 女子篮球队和排球队. 纵观其历史, it has borne witness to many memorable clashes against formidable adversaries from the Summit League, 地平线联盟和非联盟五强.

“We are deeply appreciative of OU Credit Union’s unwavering support in the ongoing transformation of our university,俄勒冈州立大学校长奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨说, M.D. “Our partnership reflects a shared belief that higher education is a catalyst for individual development, professional advancement and a positive force in bringing people together for the betterment of our communities.”

The metamorphosis of the O’rena into the OU Credit Union O’rena also extends to an enhanced presence for the credit union within the arena's premises. 标志和图形显示将在设施的各个角落突出, further solidifying the partnership's visual footprint and its integral role in the arena's vibrant narrative.

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