

电动赛车协会, which works on building electric cars with the goal to compete at OU’s first ever race at evGrand Prix at Purdue University in 2024, 源于2023年春季高级设计项目.


四名ERA领导, 洛根啊, 加布彼得森, 杰森Wegryn, 和票价Al-Shubeilat, 在高级设计的经历中有什么收获.



铅笔的图标Arina Bokas著


未来的引擎将由电力驱动. 未来就在此时此地开始. 今天的汽车, 自行车, buses and even airplanes with electric propulsion systems are the evidence of a seminal moment in transportation – the move away from internal combustion.

With the market for electric vehicles (EVs) growing rapidly and expecting to continue at a fast pace over the coming decade, engineering occupations play pivotal roles in the 设计 and development of electric cars. OU’s School of 工程与计算机科学 is making strides to ensure that its graduates are well equipped to meet this challenge.

“There has been a lot of demand from industry for engineers that are qualified to work with EVs. 我们部门已经增加了一些专业和一个新的B.S. program in mechatronics and robotics with the focus on 电气化,” says Osamah Rawashdeh, Ph.D.,电机及电脑工程学系系主任. “But we feel that there are also other ways to help students develop and apply these skills outside of classroom. Student organizations enhance students’ academic experience and hone their leadership, 解决问题, 以及社交技巧. The new 电动赛车协会 is one of such opportunities that we are happy to support,他补充道.

电动赛车协会, which works on building electric cars with the goal to compete at OU’s first ever race at evGrand Prix at Purdue University in 2024, stemmed from Spring 2023 ECE Senior Design project – a hands-on culminating 设计 experience at the end of undergraduate education. The hefty goal of the project that involved 18 students was to create OU’s first prototype of an electric car. 四名ERA领导, 洛根啊, 加布彼得森, 杰森Wegryn, 和票价Al-Shubeilat, 从这段经历中走出来了吗.

“Even though my 设计 contribution for the project was the driver display, my largest contribution came with my role as the inaugural president of the organization. My job was to set a direction for the team and to enable them to complete the task. 我敲开了工业界的大门, 创建预算, 以折扣购买大件商品, 搭建实验室空间,这只是其中的几个例子. 在许多夜晚, this meant staying up with the team and making sure everything in our system would mesh and come together,海因回忆说,这个项目需要所有学生付出巨大的努力.

从一开始, the outlook of the project was not very promising since it entailed countless hours of research, 设计, 制造和测试-所有这些都在极其有限的时间框架内完成.

“电动汽车技术是一个庞大的学科, 所以设计的过程, 研究, 实施是一个漫长的过程. There is not a lot of time in the semester to complete it from start to finish,彼得森说。, ERA第一副总裁, who 现在担任校友顾问的角色,指导团队的未来成员.

设计一辆电动汽车需要各个工程师的共同努力. 相应的, students were assigned to different teams guided by ECE faculty members Osamah Rawashdeh, 陈小君, S. 阿里Arefifar, 王霞:机电一体化, 动力总成和电池, 传感器和数据采集——所有这些都必须结合在一起. 除了, 整个小组都在机器上工作, 从点焊机和3D打印到制作自己的零件.

“我被分配到动力总成和电池团队的一个职位, but it quickly became clear that our responsibilities were not governed by these roles. 我每件事都做了一点,其他的事情我都做了很多. Industry standard communication protocols and product development processes, 线束, 电池, 电力电子, 电气传动系统, 太阳能电池板, 微控制器, 3D建模和打印, 原型设计, 定制电路的创建, and practical applications of physics and mechanics – are just some of the skills we were able to gain and/or apply during this project,Wegryn分享道, 现任ERA总裁, 谁有兴趣攻读嵌入式系统硕士学位.

除了预期的工程学习的技术方面, students also acquired other important skills that many of them easily recognized.

“项目管理和贯彻预期. 这是一次在期限内工作的真实经历, 预算, 设计约束, 是什么促使我们既要有创造力,又要有成果,海因说.

Petersen agrees, “Creativity comes from approaching things using engineering first principles. You don’t want to do things like everyone else; you want to do it better. 通过应用第一原则,你可以尝试跳出思维定势.”

随着项目的发展, so did students’ aspirations for an organization that would open a similar experience to other young engineers earlier in their educational journey.

“Creating ERA is an important step because it allows for students to directly apply the theory to the exact technology they will see in the automotive industry. 该组织还提供了分享想法的空间, 利益, 而不用担心严格的评分制度带来的压力. My student experience lacked these things until the senior 设计 project,Wegryn分享道.

“ERA will aid in making students ready for the automotive industry 电气化, 哪个是高行业需求. 大型汽车公司, 比如福特和通用, are heavily invested in an intense race of developing a next generation electric vehicle, 他们正在寻找有经验的人,Al-Shubeilat补充道, Sumaya公主工业大学的交换生, 约旦, ERA副总裁.

保持竞争力, SECS不仅要满足行业对合格专家的需求, 但它也必须展示它们. As many universities create similar EV racing organizations and invest resources in related technologies, ERA将会让公众注意到开放大学是一所具有前瞻性思维的学校.

“The competitive aspect of racing drives innovation and being a part of something like ERA makes students valuable assets to future employers. 我们有很多才华和奉献精神, and I am certain that it will grow into a well-respected competitive team for electric vehicle racing,彼得森说。.

Al-Shubeilat shares Petersen’s enthusiasm about the future of the organization. “I see ERA opening a limitless horizon to the future of transportation 和赛车 competitions. This association will have an open door for anyone enthusiastic about karts, 电气化, 和赛车. 一个美妙的社区正在开放大学为开放大学建立。”他说.

历史上最不可思议的发明, 从原始工具到人工智能, 它们有一个共同点:它们是好奇心的结果. The impulse to seek new information and experiences and explore novel possibilities is the driving force of innovation. With its prime focus on creativity and hands-on engagement, ERA is racing to the future.
